Dimitris Papaioannou: ?????? for you.

Dimitris Papaioannou: ?????? for you.

Dimitris Papaioannou, member of the Committee 'Greece 2021," invites us to attend his theatrical performance "Inside" and continue to remain at home.

Read his message.

Dear All,

Now that we have all paused to stay inside, here is the complete ?????? for you.

Six hours long, one shot, unedited.

Use it for your desktop, for meditation, for company, for contemplation, for a lullaby.

It is meant to invite you to get lost in it and meet yourself.

I hope we will all soon restart together. Dimitris Papaioannou

INSIDE (2011) / full six-hour work by Dimitris Papaioannou.One shot.Unedited. from Dimitris Papaioannou on Vimeo.

?????? is a theatrical installation that took place in the Spring of 2011.
A room was set inside the Pallas Theatre, in the center of Athens.
In this room, a simple series of movements showing our daily return
home was uniformly repeated by thirty performers in countless
combinations and superimpositions. The stage action began before
the theatre opened its doors, and continued after the last visitor has left.
The theatre was open to the public for six hours each day.

This is a six-hour, unedited documentation of the work.

?????? invites the audience to watch the action as if gazing at a landscape.
It treated the theatre as an exhibition space and the work as an exhibit.
Visitors were free to watch as much as they like, sit wherever they like, exit and re-enter as many times as they like.