PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NUMBER 96 Constitution and organisation of operation of the “Greece 2021” Committee



Having regard to: a) article 114 par.3 of Law 4622/2019 “Executive State: organisation, operation and transparency of the Government, government bodies and central public administration” (A 133); b) the fact that the provisions of this decree do not generate any expenditure against the state budget; c) opinion no.199/2019 of the Council of State, on recommendation of the Prime Minister, we hereby decide:

Article 1: Constitution and bodies of the “Greece 2021” Committee

The “Greece 2021” Committee (hereinafter “the Committee”), established by article 114 of Law 4622/2019 in view of the bicentennial anniversary of the commencement of the Greek Revolution, shall come under the Prime Minister and shall have its own legal personality to fulfill its purpose. The Committee shall be governed by the Plenary Session, the President and the Executive Board.

Article 2: Plenary Session of the Committee

The Plenary Session of the Committee shall consist of the President of the Committee and at least twenty four (24) members, designated,  without any  remuneration, by decision of the Prime Minister; members may be freely revoked in the same manner. The cols position of the Committee, including the President, cannot exceed forty five (45) members.

The Plenary Session shall be responsible for the overall planning and policymaking of the Committee, for approving its Operating Regulations, if required, and for making recommendations to the Executive Board for proposals and activities conducive to the achievement of its objectives.

The Plenary Session shall regularly meet at least once every quarter; it may also hold eKtraordinary meetings whenever so convened by the President.

The Plenary Session shall be in quorum and shall hold valid meetings when more than half the members are attending. Its meetings may also be held by teleconference. Its decisions shall be made by majority of its attending members and, in case of split votes, the President’s vote shall prevail.

In the event of resignation, permanent impediment or loss of member capacity, the Plenary Session shall also be lawfully constituted without replacing such member.

The Plenary Session may constitute committees and work groups among its members and delegate special duties thereto.

Article 3: President of the Committee

The President shall convene the Plenary Session and the Executive Board of the Committee, shall direct their proceedings, shall represent the Committee in Greece and abroad, shall take any necessary and appropriate initiative conducive to the achievement of the Committee’s objectives, shall represent the Committee in and out of court and shall perform any other duties delegated by decisions of its collective bodies.

The President shall be ipso jure considered, due to his/her position, as Honorary Ambassador for promoting “Greece 2021”, in implementation of the provision of article  100 of Law 3566/2007 (A 117), excluding paragraph 3 of said provision.

Article 4: Executive Board of the Committee

The Executive Board of the Committee shall consist of the President of the Committee as Chairman and six (6) members. The members of the Executive Board shall be the General Secretary of Parliament, the General Secretary for Openness of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Secretary for Contemporary Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the General Secretary for Digital Governance and Simplification of Procedures of the Ministry of Digital Governance, as well as two (2) members appointed by its Chairman, who shall be freely revoked in the same manner. The members of the Executive Board, excluding the Chairman, may be remunerated out of the Committee’s own resources by decision of the Plenary Session.

The Executive Board shall be responsible for the administration and management of the Committee’s assets, shall prepare the budget, any revisions thereof and the relevant report, may prepare an organizational chart and shall decide on any other matter relating to the operation of the Committee that does not come under the powers of the Plenary Session.

The Executive Board shall be in quorum when four (4) members are attending. The meetings of the Executive Board may also be held  by teleconference. Decisions shall be made by majority of the attending members and, in case of split votes, the Chairman’s vote shall prevail.

In the event of resignation, permanent impediment or loss of member capacity, the Executive Board shall also be lawfully constituted without replacing such member, provided that the remaining members are more than half of the total number of members.

The President of the Committee may delegate special duties to members of the Executive Board.

Article 5: Collaborations of the Committee

To achieve its objectives, the Committee shall collaborate with the legal person in private law entitled “Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy” (hereinafter “the Foundation”). In the context of such collaboration, the Committee shall submit to the Foundation for approval various proposals for activities relating to the objectives of the Committee, including the budget for each activity. The Foundation may assign to the Committee, exclusively or in collaboration with the Foundation or  other bodies, the implementation of the relevant proposals and transfer funds to the Committee or make its own resources available to the Committee. To this end, the Committee and the Foundation may constitute committees and work groups assigned  with the implementation of various duties and projects and conclude agreements for their joint actions.

With an aim to better coordinate the actions and activities of the Ministries and the bodies supervised thereby with the Committee, a “Greece 2021 Project Manager” shall be nominated in all Ministries within one (l) month of the publication hereof.

The Committee may conclude agreements for the fulfilment of its objectives with public or private agencies in Greece and abroad.

Article 6: Resources of the Committee

The resources of the Committee shall consist of private donations, sponsorships, revenue from the sale of products or other promotional activities, as well as transfers of funds of the Foundation in the context of their collaboration for the implementation of specific activities.

Article 7: Dissolution and Liquidation

The Committee shall be dissolved and liquidated ipso jure on 31.12.2021. The term of office of the President and the other members of the Plenary Session shall also expire on that date, excluding those participating in the Executive Board. The members of the Executive Board shall be designated as liquidators and shall remain with the Committee only for the requirements of liquidation. The liquidation shall be conducted in implementation, mutatis mutandis, of the relevant provisions of Law 4548/2018 and must be finally completed by 30.5.2022. This deadline may be extended by three months on extraordinary grounds by decision of the liquidators.

The Foundation shall issue a deed concerning the completion of liquidation. Any undisposed balance of the Committee’s assets shall devolve to the Foundation.