Visit to Trikala by a delegation of the Committee "Greece 2021"

Visit to Trikala by a delegation of the Committee "Greece 2021"

• The students of the 7th Lyceum of Trikala spoke with renowned Professors K. Daskalakis and Ch. Papadimitriou in a special initiative organized by the Committee
• Gianna Aggelopoulou-Daskalaki: In 2021, we will not only organize celebrations; we will try to make the dreams we have about our country a reality

"In 2021, we will not only organize celebrations; we will not only give speeches. The dreams everyone has about their region, we will try to make a reality. We are talking about our own Greece." These words were used by the President of the Committee "Greece 2021" Gianna Aggelopoulou-Daskalaki while speaking to the students of the 7th Lyceum of Trikala, today, during a visit to the city by a Committee delegation. The delegation consisted of the Members of the Assembly, AikateriniPolymerou-Kamilaki, former Director of the Ethnological Center of the Academy of Athens, Giorgos Rorris, painter, Nikos Kanellopoulos, Professor, as well as the Member of the Executive Board of the Committee, Georgios Mylonakis, Secretary-General of the House of Parliament.

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The students who participate in the educational robotics laboratory of the 7th Lyceum of Trikala had a unique life experience within a special initiative taken by the Committee. On Monday 22 June, they talked via teleconference, with renowned Professors and Assembly Members of the Committee "Greece 2021" Konstantinos Daskalakis (Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT) and Christos Papadimitriou (Professor of Computer Science, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research at the University of Berkeley, Donovan Family Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University), on the topics of Technology and Robotics, the moral dilemmas they may generate, the prospects of education and the hope for a different future. During this special event, the students were inspired by the two top scientists whom they challenged to give straight answers to difficult questions concerning the pandemic, artificial intelligence, and life itself. Other participants in the discussion were the Member of the Executive Board Kostis Kontogiannis, the Mayor of Trikkaia, and Member of the Assembly of the Committee Dimitris Papastergiou, the Director of the 7th Lyceum AgathoklisAzelis and the Professor of Computer Science EleftheriaKaragiorgou.

"It honors you that you thirst for knowledge. You must know that you are capable of accomplishing something in your life that may change it, not only your own life but also the lives of many people. At one time, the people you talked with were children like you. Be brave, respect yourself, and never hesitate to ask questions to important people", pointed out Mrs. Aggelopoulou, speaking to the students.

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"Technology eliminates distances. MIT is but a click away from the 7th Lyceum of Trikala. We shared our concerns about the present and the future of computer science, still, above all, we set the tone and gave food for thought to the children, so we can plan together the next 200 years of Greece", the Mayor of Trikkaia said in the teleconference, stressing that such initiatives highlight the important pillar of the Committee "Greece 2021" which refers to "Window to the future".

The President of the Committee appeared particularly pleased with the outcome of this important initiative and asked the children to share with her the experience they gained and the new concerns that arose from the discussion with the two scientists. She observed that the educational robotics laboratory of the 7th Lyceum of Trikala is not just an ordinary school class but also a source of ceaseless youthful hunger and desire to create, which has led to significant distinctions in Robotics Olympiads in recent years. For his part, Committee Member Professor Nikos Kanellopoulos explained to the children how robotics and art could connect and coexist.
At the end of the discussion, the students demonstrated robotics and 3D printing.

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The proposals of the Municipality of Trikkaia

The Committee delegation met with the Mayor Mr. Dimitris Papastergiou at the Town Hall of Trikala. They also met with his associates, VasilenaMitsiadi (Deputy Mayor of Technical Services) and H. Kalliaras (Special Advisor to the Mayor), who presented the proposals submitted by the Municipality on the platform of the Committee "Greece 2021". These are proposals that aim to leave a substantial legacy to the citizens on the occasion of the bicentennial celebrations of the Greek Revolution. They include the recycling of plastic coffee cups and their replacement by a reusable container and the introduction of a robotics course in the curriculum of the 5th and 6th grades. During the discussion, Assembly Member Mrs. Kamilaki expressed her satisfaction with the fact that the proposals reflect the directives of the Committee and strive to link the past with the future. Assembly Member Mr. Kanellopoulos underlined how important it is to merge technology and higher education. For his part, the Member of the Assembly, Mr. Rorris, said that Trikala abides by the rule "man is the scale" since the city focuses on people. The Member of the Executive Board, Mr. Mylonakis, pointed out that the Municipality's proposals are very thoughtful and show that they are doing pioneer work.

"Trikala is a city that vibrates, tries to change, adapts to innovation and strives to move forward," said the Mayor of Trikkaia, after the meeting, while the President of the Committee stated how impressed she was by the proposals of the Municipality: "They are all proposals that respect our values, honor our history and try to keep it alive through technology meanwhile gazing into the future. At this moment, when we are preparing to celebrate the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution, we must follow examples like this. I say this fully aware of the work the Mayor is doing here. You people of Trikala are lucky to live in this amazing city," she added.

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At the Tsitsani Museum and GiSeMi HUB

Afterward, the Committee delegation visited and toured the Tsitsanis Museum, and at the Museum's café, they had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Dimitris Magoutis, President of the Association of Food and Drink Establishments of Trikala. Mr. Magoutis is responsible for the Municipality's proposal for recycling, titled "Starting a small revolution for the environment".

The last stop of the Committee's delegation's visit to Trikala was the Innovation and Entrepreneurship hub GiSeMi HUB. It is a leading innovation center for young local entrepreneurs, which encourages them and provides a suitable environment for the establishment and development of their businesses. Speaking with young entrepreneurs, the President of the Committee "Greece 2021" emphasized the need for collaboration and urged them to contact similar attempts in other regions. She even put the Committee at their disposal for help and support. "Together, we must proceed to celebrate the birthday of our country, with a new mentality in collaborating that will give empowerment and perspective to the creative forces of the land," she said.