2021 – a symbolic year for Greek women and men, as it marks 200 years of freedom and independence for the Greek State – has arrived. The "Greece 2021" Committee was appointed to coordinate the actions and events for the celebration of 200 years after the Revolution. Today, at the start of 2021, the Committee is in a position to present the results of this months-long effort.
The "Greece 2021" Committee invited the Greek society and all Greeks worldwide to submit proposals for actions and events, so that we could all participate in designing the anniversary celebration programme. Local authorities, organisations, associations, institutions and active citizens submitted a total of 1827 proposals for actions taking place throughout the entire anniversary year. Among them, 386 proposals from Municipalities and Regions across Greece, and 319 proposals from the Greek Diaspora and Greek Embassies and Consulates in 46 countries across all continents.
These proposals concern events that highlight the Greek Revolution as a leading historical event of its era and of international significance, the 200-year course of the modern Greek State, and the extraordinary personalities that left their mark on this course. Nonetheless, the majority of the actions will open a window into the future and leave a legacy. They concern development projects aiming to better people's lives and create new opportunities for future generations.
The Committee has ensured that 250 self-financed proposals for actions and events are in preparation phase, having received the Committee’s approval and auspices. At the same time, 120 local authority projects are pending approval. The Committee's goal, however, is to have even more proposals realised – either through sponsorships or directly through the Committee's resources.
To this end, the Committee's Numismatic Programme becomes a valuable tool. It is a unique programme for the issuance of 14 coins (two bimetallic, eight silver, and four gold) of enormous collectible value, with depictions that constitute a journey through the history of modern Greece. The coins will be made available by the Committee itself (through e-shop) starting at the beginning of the anniversary year. A priority list is envisaged due to the limited number of coin collections, with gradual delivery starting at the end of January. In addition to its great sentimental and commemorative value, the acquisition of one such coin collection will contribute to the realisation of even more projects, since the Committee does not receive any State funding.
However, the work of the "Greece 2021" Committee is not limited to its executive functions. The Committee itself will proceed with the implementation of four emblematic actions:
- Organizing the international Forum "Greece in 2040", through which the Greek society, the country's scientific force, and renowned personalities will outline our path towards the future.
- The development of the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, an initiative that will put Greece at the foreground of global technological innovation.
- The "Festival of Cities", involving concurrent celebrations open to all in the 51 capital cities of the prefectures, planned for next summer.
- The action "Walking on the tracks of 1821," in which 200 young women and men will travel on historical paths linked to the Greek Revolution and to the history of these 200 years, in 40 cities across Europe.
In this venture, the assistance provided by the Committee’s continuously growing group of donors is most valuable.
At the same time, in order to further promote the messages and symbolism of the anniversary year, the Committee has secured – and will continue to do so – a series of collaborations, such as, for example, with the Hellenic Post for the issuing of stamps and philatelic products that will emphasize the special meaning of the 200th anniversary of the Revolution. Also, collaborations with the country's Academic Institutions as regards research and competitions.
In this context, we call attention to two important further collaborations: with the Association of Mobile Telephony Companies and with the Association of Private Television Stations of National Scope. Through them:
- Beginning on the first days of the anniversary year, Greek women and men will be viewing on the screens of their mobile phones, on a daily basis and next to each provider’s logo, the message "GREECE 2021."
- Beginning on the first day of the anniversary year, viewers will see on their television screens four alternating messages describing the significance of this unique year: "200 years we participate", "200 years we envision", "200 years we celebrate", "200 years we advance."
In 2021 we shall honour the 200 years after the Revolution, respecting our history and envisioning our future. Sensibly and fully aware of the present circumstances.
It should be noted that part of what is mentioned above is concisely presented by the President of the "Greece 2021" Committee, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, in a video released by the Committee on the first day of the anniversary year. The video uses two musical themes by our great composer Mikis Theodorakis, who kindly permitted their use. The first theme is from his work "Canto Olympico," and the second is the "hasaposerviko," a dance theme from the "Kites." It is also noted that the video has been produced by the “Greece 2021” Committee, created by people working in the Committee under the direction of the Committee's artistic events manager.