Meeting of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece with the President of the Committee "Greece 2021"

Meeting of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece with the President of the Committee "Greece 2021"

The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, Mr. Ieronymos, and the President of the Committee "Greece 2021," Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, held a meeting regarding the projects and events for the 200th anniversary of the Revolution.

The meeting took place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, in the Archdiocese of Athens. Participants were the Metropolitan Bishop of Dimitriada and Almyros, Ignatios, also a member of the Committee "Greece 2021," the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Athens, Archimandrite Mr. Varnavas, the Director-General of the Holy Archdiocese's of Athens Charitable Organization "Apostoli," Mr. Costas Dimtsas, the Director of the Press Office of the Archdiocese, Mr. Haris Konidaris, and the Manager of Operations of the Committee "Greece 2021," Mr. Athanasios Kantartzis.

During the meeting, the two parties agreed to include the program of projects and events prepared by the Church for the 200th anniversary in the national calendar of projects and events. They also decided that the Church of Greece will actively participate in one of the Committee's emblematic projects, the International Forum "Greece in 2040," which intends to map the country's future course. Finally, it was agreed that there would be a close collaboration throughout the anniversary year, aiming to organize and implement joint projects.

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"It is with great satisfaction, great pleasure, and with very positive thoughts that, on this day, I met with the President and the other members of the Committee for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Rebirth," said Archbishop Ieronymos. "We're performing a cut. With Aghios of Dimitriada and his associates as our representative and coordinator, the Church puts the weight on the first part. That is, on how the Revolution occurred, who helped, how we attained our liberation. These issues are used as the basis for the Committee to work on, not ignoring them but instead using them to welcome the future. It highlights everything that has occurred from that time to now and how this knowledge can become an inspirational example of what is coming," he added.

"The Church has prepared an excellent program, which has been thoroughly crafted by experts for years. In both the pre-revolutionary and the Revolution years, enlightened clergy, simple monks, and significant representatives of the Orthodox Church helped our people hold on to their faith and courage, not forget their language and walk through the furnace of history. Priests participated in the Friendly Society and the Revolution and at the same time, they stood by the people during all those years," underlined the President of the Committee and added: "We informed the Archbishop on the Committee's work and listened to the program prepared by the Church with great interest. We conveyed to him that it would be an honor if the national program of the anniversary also included the events prepared by the Church".

"The Church of Greece has been preparing for this anniversary for ten years. There will be religious and convention events that can take place parallel to the national program and be included in the celebration's national calendar. Certainly, we will also be involved in the great effort that pertains to how and in what way we envision Greece in 2040. The Orthodox Church will be present because it is imperative to identify the Church's role in our country's future course," said Metropolitan Bishop Ignatios.