Release of the anniversary products with the “Greece 2021” Committee logo

Release of the anniversary products with the “Greece 2021” Committee logo

The President of the Committee, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, and the company representatives of "Diakakis Imports SA" announced the release of the official, commemorative, anniversary products with the "Greece 2021" Committee's logo. "Diakakis Imports S.A." became the exclusive licensee of the category stationery-school supplies in the open, public competition held by the Committee.

The authentic souvenirs, which include school supplies, stationery, bags, water canteens, mugs, calendars/diaries, and more, have a distinctive and modern design, are decorated with the "Greece 2021” Committee's designs and logos as well as with symbols and persons of the Revolution, and aim to promote, as widely as possible, the celebration of the 200th anniversary after the Revolution. Moreover, some of these products feature quotes by the great heroes of 1821, such as Theodoros Kolokotronis' famous phrase: "The Greeks are crazy, but they have a sensible God."

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"When the Committee announced the public invitation to its open competition, we decided to respond immediately by submitting a proposal. Not only as part of a business initiative but also because we wanted to be part of this important anniversary of the bicentennial of the Revolution," underlined Marios Diakakis. He added: "We have been in contact with distributors of Greek products, Greek associations, and consulates around the world to make sure our products reach as many countries as possible, everyplace Greeks live." In her turn, Irene Diakaki said: "We are very pleased to have been given the opportunity to contribute in this manner in the further promotion and prominence of this landmark Greek anniversary."

"These collectibles communicate the messages of the 200th anniversary after the Revolution, this momentous anniversary for Greek women and men, by depicting the symbols and heroes of the Greek Revolution. Also, by using quotes concentrating on values, such as dynamism and resilience, that permeated the path of modern Greece," said the President of the Committee. She added: "In addition to its commemorative character, the acquisition of these products is an additional means of participating in the essence of our great national anniversary. To highlight it, to broadcast it, and to collectively preserve it in our memory forever."

"It is also a tool with which the Committee aspires to implement even more anniversary projects and events, since, as it is known, it does not receive state funding. The Committee will use its share of the proceeds from these products' sales to finance events. And the more proceeds we receive, the more projects we will be able to execute," she concluded.

For more information on anniversary products and sales locations, you can visit the following link on the Committee's website: