Updates on the projects and events under the auspices or bearing the logo of the "Greece 2021" Committee

Updates on the projects and events under the auspices or bearing the logo of the "Greece 2021" Committee

Projects and events for the 200th anniversary of the Revolution, which have been included in the National Programme of Anniversary Projects and Events under the auspices of the "Greece 2021" Committee or bearing its logo, continue during the first half of March.
Indicative of the celebration's universal character is the London School of Economics’ participation through its Greek student community; meanwhile, important projects and events will take place within the celebration's framework with a look towards the future. A characteristic example is a webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science organized by the Hellenic Innovation Network in collaboration with the Consulate General of Greece in Boston.

In detail, the actions and events that take place, start, or continue during the first half of March are:
• Exhibition of the Benaki Museum titled "1821 before and after.”
You can watch the first video here: https://www.benaki.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3323:1821-100&catid=14&lang=el&Itemid=333
• Online conference at LSE on the history and future of Greece
The Greek student community of the London School of Economics organizes on March 6, an online conference titled "Greece: Reflecting on Yesterday, Shaping Tomorrow".
Details on the conference can be found on the community Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lsehellenicsociety/

• Workshop on Lafkadio Patrick Hearn
On March 13, the University of Patras organizes an online workshop on "Lafkadio Hearn's Cultural Journey."
• The National Anthem in Greek Sign Language
On March 15, the digital video presenting the National Anthem in Greek sign language will be screened for the first time.
• Special digital publication by the Greek consulate of Perth in Australia to promote the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Revolution
You can watch it here: https://us17.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=a313c730e0a54d2f5f18fe3bb&id=6cb4d71a46
• Young people design their future
An important educational project involving undergraduate and graduate students aged 18 to 30 began on March 1.
More information: http://senja.gr/news/961-startup-2021-9-feb-2021.html

• The "Trees of the Revolution."
An innovative project, showcasing the centuries-old trees which date back to before the outbreak of the Revolution of 1821, was undertaken by the Cultural Institute of Messinia.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/1821-2021-Network-Century-Trees-Greek-Revolution-102690718510056
• EKPA (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) invites students to be inspired by the Revolution.

Read more here: https://www.uoa.gr/anakoinoseis_kai_ekdiloseis/proboli_anakoinosis/6os_mathitikos_diagonismos_2020_2021_ta_ekthemata_toy_moyseioy_mesa_apo_ta_matia_ton_mathiton_pros/
• Webinars on Greece in the future

You can attend previous webinars here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4PM5Hz8JqhcJLyLItskWOg
• Online Entrepreneurship Program "Connect the Dots"
• Podcasts on the Revolution by the Hellenic Heritage Foundation in Toronto
The first five episodes have been uploaded on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0rZzkaIwLI53F2HCbQeHNx?si=Umu9_AtGQ-mJ8jLe6ak6cQ
• Educational project on the Revolution in Moldovlachia (The Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia) by the Greek school of Bucharest
The relevant website can be accessed at the following link: https://blogs.sch.gr/bucharest-ellada2021/

 • The role of Thrace in the Revolution

Through a series of projects and in collaboration with local municipal and scientific bodies, the Folk and History Museum of Xanthi highlights Thracians' role in the Revolution.
More information here: https://www.facebook.com/events/145919803860906?active_tab=about

• GAPSTI @Greece 2021 - The Gianna Angelopoulos Programme for Science Technology and Innovation

As part of the emergence of 2021 as a window into Greece in the future, educational activities will be developed throughout the year, aiming to strengthen the academic relations between the renowned University of Cambridge and Greek educational institutions. The projects will develop through The Gianna Angelopoulos Programme for Science, Technology, and Innovation at Cambridge.

On the GAPSTI program, you can read here: https://www.gianna.phy.cam.ac.uk/

Projects that occurred during the last week of February

• From the Revolution to the establishment of a state: The first steps of Greek public administration

• Conference on "The Orthodox Church and the National Uprising."

You can attend it here: https://youtu.be/aiaTSa3jarY

• The beginning of the Revolution at Moldovlachia (The Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia)
You can attend it here: https://youtu.be/-_t07QFxnHE

For information on anniversary projects and events carried out by or under the auspices of the Committee, as well as all projects carried out for the anniversary regardless of their implementation body, please visit the National Calendar of Actions and Events on the "Greece 2021" Committee's website: https://www.greece2021.gr/imerologio-draseon-kai-ekdiloseon