For the second time in a month, a delegation from the "Greece 2021" Committee led by its President, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, visited Thessaloniki on Sunday, June 13. The delegation was welcomed in Kordelio by the Mayor of Kordelio-Evosmos, Kleanthis Mandalianos, and the Deputy Mayor of Civil Protection and KEP (CSC), Fotini Devetzi-Pesmatzoglou. In addition, a religious rite (Trisagion) and a wreath-laying ceremony were performed at the statue of the great Sarakatsanos hero Antonis Katsantonis.
The visit concluded at the Royal Theatre of Thessaloniki, where the Committee delegation and representatives of the city's authorities and institutions attended the "Desire for Freedom" screening. It is an emblematic nationwide Committee project that took place on Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13, in 18 Greek cities and concerns the projection of a visual narrative of the Revolution of 1821 on building facades.