Gianna Angelopoulos – Daskalaki: "By making the best of the right technology, the young people of the diaspora and the young people of Greece can connect like never before"

Gianna Angelopoulos – Daskalaki: "By making the best of the right technology, the young people of the diaspora and the young people of Greece can connect like never before"

The President of the "Greece 2021" Committee, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, was honored by the Diaspora business association "Alpha Omega Council" with the "2021 AOC Trustees Bicentennial Award" at an event held in Boston last Saturday.

In her speech, Mrs. Angelopoulos referred to the challenges of the third century in the modern Greek state's history and emphasized the role of the new generation. "Guiding the new generation has never been an easy task - young people have their own desires which shape their place in time. Nowadays, however, the obstacles are almost insurmountable. The generation gap brought on by technology has never been greater. And it cannot be addressed with lawmaking interventions," she pointed out and added: "Today's new generation may need to be the first to guide itself and protect itself as it adapts to a present changing faster than anticipated."

In this context, she focused on the role of technology for Greece and the Greeks of the diaspora. "The positive thing is that by making the best of the right technology - because it is paramount we move forward - the young people of the diaspora and the young people of Greece can connect with each other as never before," she noted. She proceeded to inform the members of the "Alpha Omega Council" of the Committee's initiatives.

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"An excellent initiative, which is under the auspices of the "Greece 2021" Committee, brings together Greek and Greek-American entrepreneurs under 40. There is room for the development of many similar initiatives in various fields," she said, referring to the project "Connect the Dots."

"This motivated the Committee to methodically work towards establishing a research institute of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Algorithms in Greece," added Mrs. Angelopoulos.
"Our country has the ability to be at the world's forefront in this field, to engage its young scientists in the country, and to promote the interaction with outstanding and talented people from abroad," concluded the President of the "Greece 2021" Committee.

The award was presented by the President of the "Alpha Omega Council," Kostas Sideridis. The event was attended by: Dr. Petros Vamvakas (Emmanuel College Boston), Panagiotis Roilos (Harvard), Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos (Fletcher), Natalia Linou (Harvard), Nancy Agris Savage (professor, journalist-writer), Ted Demetriades (son of Orestis Dimitriadis, journalist and founder of Grecian Echos, the Greek radio station of New England), the archpriest Theodore Barbas, representing the recovering Metropolitan Bishop of Boston, Methodius, among others.