Information on projects and events, under the auspices or with the "Greece 2021" Committee's logo, occurring in November

Information on projects and events, under the auspices or with the "Greece 2021" Committee's logo, occurring in November

The anniversary projects and events carried out under the auspices or with the "Greece 2021" Committee's logo and included in the National Program of Anniversary Projects and Events continue through November. Among them: lectures, conferences, publications, exhibitions, athletic and cultural infrastructure, competitions and educational activities, and theater performances in Greece and abroad.

The projects and events of November in detail:

• Revolution, modern Greece, and Democracy. The Municipality of Larissa organizes it from November 13 until the end of the year. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Revolution, local history, and education. The Municipality of Larissa organizes it from November 13 until the end of the year. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• New Dimensions of 1821: A Pan-California Celebration. The entire project results from the collaboration between public and private academic, artistic, and community institutions and organizations across California: Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, Sacramento State University, and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). November 4 to 7, California, USA. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• The Greeks: A Tribe of South Africa. The Consulate General of Johannesburg organizes it. November 1 until the end of the year. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Commemorative concert with the Saxony Woodwind Philharmonic Orchestra. It is scheduled to take place in Leipzig on November 6, 2021. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• The Greeks of Vienna and the Revolution. It is organized by the Embassy of Greece in Vienna and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna on November 8. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Philhellenism and Enlightenment. The Circle of Philhellenes of Basel organizes it on November 12. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Lecture on "Georgios Papanikolaou". It is the last one in the lectures series organized by the Panhellenic Federation of Florida (PHFOFL). Speaker: Dr. Th. Vlachos. On November 10. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• 1821 The Vision of Freedom: By the Painter’s hand, with the mind of Makrigiannis, through the devotion of Gennadios. It is organized by the Hellenic Center, from October 5, 2021 to March 30, 2022 in London. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• 200 Years of Innovation - Athens Science Festival 2021 - 200 Years of Innovation. It is organized by the U.S. Embassy in Athens, October 25 to November 25. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• The Greek Struggle Beyond Historicity. It is organized by the Fitzwilliam Museum from November 27 to November 30 in Cambridge. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Prospects of the Greek-German relations: the security of energy in Europe and the competitive dual pole of North Stream / East – Med. Organized by the Greek-German Business Association on November 25 in Cologne. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Cythera and the Ionian Islands in the Struggle for the National Rebirth. The Cytherian Association of Athens organizes it on November 7. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• The contribution of the economy of the islands from 1821 until today. It is organized by the Association of Chambers for the Development of Greek Islands - the Island Chambers of our country - on November 12 and 13 in Chios. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• The River - A show focusing on the Revolution of 1821. The concert will be held by the MNIMES (Memories) Non-Profit Society at the building of the Parnassos Literary Society on Tuesday, November 9 at 8 p.m., in collaboration with the Cultural Foundation of ESIEA and sponsored by the Hellenic Parliament. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Roots that unite us, the greatest synchronized reforestation. Lets Do It Greece organizes it on November 21. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• International Exhibition & Conference «Greek Culture & Tourism» (Leader expo). The exhibition will take place from November 25 to November 27 in Athens. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• The financial issues of the Revolution. It is organized by the Department of Economics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. On November 11 and 12 in Thessaloniki. With the Committee Logo.

• Music and Dance Event. It is organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science and the University Sports Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. On November 22 in Thessaloniki. With the Committee Logo.

• The Greeks and the World. Beginning in mid-November, two episodes will run every week on the ANT1 tv channel. Under the auspices of the Committee and the company "Hellenic Petroleum S.A." as Committee Sponsor.

• The Revolution of 1821 in the mirror of the 21st century. Documentation and digital representation of the historical events and people - known and unknown - of the revolution of 1821 in Crete. It will open on November 20, and the content will be available until the end of the year. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Zakynthos - Greece 2021. The two-day conference will highlight significant historical sites in the fighting for the liberation of Greece. The Municipality of Zakynthos organizes it on November 20. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Thebes in the Revolution 1821-1829: Contribution to the historical memory. Highlighting the contribution of Thebes to the Struggle of 1821. The Municipality of Thebes organizes it on November 28. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Commemorative historical publication: "200 Years of National Rebirth. Amorgos, the Struggle for Freedom and Education". The Municipality of Amorgos organizes it on November 20. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Illustrated fairytale about Amorgos in the Revolution. The Municipality of Amorgos organizes it on November 20. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• Photography exhibition by Nikos Bassias entitled "Medals of Honor." The Municipality of Platanias continues to celebrate the 200 years since the Greek Revolution of 1821 with its events. From November 14 to December 15. Under the auspices of the Committee.

• 200 Years of Modern Greek Art. Sponsored by the "Mastercard" company, the Greek Global Culture Cooperation organizes a digital show of works by artists who lived and created during the first 200 years of Modern Greece. From November 22 to December 19. Under the auspices of the Committee and "Mastercard" as Committee Sponsor.

You can find more information on Anniversary projects and events, regardless of the body that implements them, in the Committee's National Calendar of Projects and Events, here: