Gianna Angelopoulos: We can face the challenges by capitalizing on the power of ecumenical Hellenism

Gianna Angelopoulos: We can face the challenges by capitalizing on the power of ecumenical Hellenism

"Greece 2021". It is not just our name. The name of the Committee. It's something more important: it is the place, and it is the time." With these words, the President of the "Greece 2021" Committee, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, commenced her speech at the last 2021 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where she was invited to receive an honorary distinction for her "invaluable social contribution to the country and her unceasing involvement in the advancement of entrepreneurship."

 Mrs. Angelopoulos pointed out what the Committee's work achieved:

The society's greatest possible involvement. To implicate the citizens on the "how" and "why" of the anniversary.

To spread the commemorative projects and events throughout the entire anniversary year.

And above all, not to limit the bicentennial to mere celebrations and commemorative events, but to promote those projects and events that would leave an imprint on the future.

"We didn't want it to be the anniversary of a chosen few ones. We didn't want it to be planned and designed by a few on behalf of the many. We didn't want it to be an anniversary of debates and different opinions," Mrs. Angelopoulos added, presenting the Committee's completion report.